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Booking terms 2021

  • The booking is binding but you can move the booking to a earlier date without charge. You need to be logged in to do this.
  • If you have choosen flexible booking you can also move the booking forward in time once.
  • If we think that the weather is unsuitable for the activity we will let you know via email as soon as we cancel and we will also refund any payment the same day.
  • Alcohol and drugs is a big risk in kayaking. We have zero tolerance with this and use a alco meter if we are in any doubt. If you meter shows anything you loose your right to the activity with no money returned.
  • You must be a swimmer to join our activities on the water.
  • Be on site in time! We wait 10 minutes on latecommers. If you come later than 10 minutes after starting time you might loose your slot in the activity with no refund.
  • We have choosen not to refund based on participants feeling sick, accidents etc. Read more about why here


Bioluminecence safari

Mareldstur i kajak med guide

Vi startar med instruktioner om kajaken och övrig utrustning på land. Er guide är med under hela aktiviteten på vattnet.

Vi paddlar till någon mysig vik eller klippa där vi intar det medhavda fikat(tag med själv).

När mörkret har lagt sig ordentligt påbörjar vi spaningen efter mareld! Turen är enkel och kräver inte så mycket av paddlaren men vi vill att du skall ha paddlat kajak minst en gång tidigare.

Time: Mon 23 Sep 19–22

Price: 895 SEK